So I'm keeping my promise a few days late... but if you bare with me a moment you will understand why.
Lets see... spent most of New Years Day in the ER with Jaxson. Saw the whole Rose Parade. He had been sick a few days earlier and had been fine 2 days up to the New Year but we quickly realized at 5am New Years Day that he wasn't. He was vomiting, again and had not had a wet diaper in almost 24 hours. So since doctor offices are not open on New Years and waking the oncall at 5am just to have them tell me to take him to the ER...we just went. He was treated for dehydration, given an IV, a Popsicle, and an x-ray to check for obstructions and we went home about 6 hours later. He was such a trooper.
Then a few days later he started complaining his thumb hurt. Long story we thought he broke it but took him to the doctor and turns out it was infected from biting it. Popped and bandaged he returned home no worse for wear.
Then Hayden wanted a turn at the doctors'. We had some serious concerns but all ended up to be no big deal and just a lack of control on his part..
So... as you can see we've been busy with our doctor. I do not want to see the doctor again for at least 3 weeks; till Jaxson's 3 year visit. :)