Okay since Jax does not has an appointment till next month I weighed him myself.
He's 21.5 lbs.
I don't know how tall because he won't stand still long to measure him. :-) He's on the verge of walking. A week ago he took his first step but it was more of a "I'm falling and I don't want to hit the ground" step. LOL Last night he took 3 steps but again it was more falling than forward momentum. So in the next 4 weeks I say he'll be walking with purpose just in time to turn 1. :-) Until then, he's hit lighting speed with crawling. It's amazing how fast he can get across the room now to something we don't want him to get. :-)
He's doing very well holding his own cup now. Santa brought him this cool new cup that is slightly angled before he even picks it up, which helps because he is lazy and didn't like lifting his arms too high :-) So now he's drinking all kinds of stuff from it. This will also be helpful come next month when I ditch the bottle. Jax is also eating more table food like cheese, diced fruits, canned peas and green beans and potatoes. We haven't tried meat yet but I'm sure we will this month. He still likes his Mama's cooking but is wanting more real food that the mashes I make.
Let's see he almost has is top 2 front teeth in. There is just the tiniest of gum over them. Some time this week they will pop through.
Other than that he's enjoying all his new toys from Santa and family. His favorite seems to be an Elmo remote that Hayden bought him for Christmas. He's also turning to quite the fashion hog with all of his new clothes as well.