Jaxson had his dreaded 2-month check-up on Friday. I say dreaded because he got the first of his immunizations and for me it was terrible. He didn't know it was coming, I did. He did handle them like a champ and calmed down almost as soon as I picked him up. Mom was still a little shaky :) His thighs were sore the rest of the day and he was very cranky, when awake, but still gave us 7 hours of sleep last night. Woo Hoo!
Good news he now weighs 11lbs 10oz and is 23 inches tall. He's in the 50% percentile for height and weight. Just a normal average baby, unlike his brother who exceeded expectations in both categories. Jax is still expected to exceed expectations, just in other ways. He's a happy smiley baby on his way to being chubby.
His reflux seems to have been taken care of by changing formula. Luckily for us we were able to use the less expensive formula other than the one the doctor recommended. $25/can v.s. $15/can is a HUGE difference when your a one income family.
The all dreaded flat spot on his head is nothing more than the shape of his head. :) The pediatrician actually laughed at me because we've been so worried. He said the plates in his head will catch up to one another and create a nice round head. Although we still have to be careful to change positions of his head every now and then, just not so worried anymore.
Over all a great visit and nothing but good news. They have changed the visit schedule since Hayden was little and now we don't go back till Jaxson is 4 months old. Unless something happens of course but let's hope not.
I'm glad to hear that everything is on track, Traci!
He may have started out small but is wasting no time in catchin up to his big brother! Go Jax!
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