Saturday, April 19, 2008

"I felt the Earth Move under my feet..."

and the only reason I even felt it was, ironically, from a call from one of the techs that I am working with in CA woke me up to report in a problem.
Since I was up and time was close for me to get up for work anyway, I decided to sit in the den to catch up on e-mail that I haven't read in awhile and I felt a pulsing type of shaking. At first I thought that it was a truck that rumbled by or a low flying airplane, but re-thought those two, once the Star Wars plates that are on the wall started shaking as well. Not too mention that the cat was jumping in circles looking at the ground like it was going to swallow him up. It was quite funny. I didn't realize that an earthquake had happened until I was in my car on my way to work and all of the radio stations started talking about it.

Well...that's my story and I'm sticking to it. :)


Unknown said...

Adam came home & told me about the earthquake. Wow you guys felt it eh? Crazy business that is.

Traci and Tim said...

They say it registered as far North as Toronto CN. can you believe that?
I wish I would of been awake to feel it... it was only Tim and the crazy cat:)

Anonymous said...

I had been up but just gone back to bed at 4am... must have finally falled sound asleep cause I missed the whole thing! Dad said he felt it, and he sleeps so sound I am amazed! lol I remember one back around 1986, I was up at the trailer alone and thought someone was outside shaking the trailer..then found out it was an earthquake. Wierd feeling.

Mom W.

Traci and Tim said...

I remember I was there too.