Sunday, August 24, 2008

Great America

We decided to take Hayden to Great America this year, since we had a free children's ticket. We met up with my friend Lisa and Ella. (they live near by and have season tickets.)
It was supposed to be a hot day but we still chanced it and took Jaxson. It turned out to be a wonderful day. Hayden enjoyed his first roller coaster. He has a love/hate relationship with them. He likes the hills but not the turns. :-)

Here's the first ride of the day.
Auntie Lisa took the kids on the Wiggles ride :) Hee Hee!
Hayden and Ella enjoying the ladybug ride.
Jaxson posed for a photo opt :-)
Tim and Hayden on a roller coaster in the kids area... they went on this one 3 times.
Hayden and I on the Rajin Caujin... none of us realized
that the whole coaster car spun around the corners. YIKES!
Mommie and Jax taking a quiet moment while Daddy and Hayden enjoyed the bumper cars.
Hayden and Daddy on the Merry-Go-Round.Jaxson enjoying his only ride of the day. :-)

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