Anyway we are very proud of him. This November will mark 2 years in the program. Belt after belt, stripe after stripe he continues on. Sure we have our days were we have to "drag" him there and he wants "to quit" but he's still going and having fun.

Children will not remember you for the material things you provided but for the feeling that you cherished them.~Richard L. Evans
Bradley started Karate at our local community center two weeks ago. He's having a hard time focusing, considering what he really wants to do is "learn to fight" but the instructor is trying to be patient. He'd rather learn kicks and attacks than the stretching and self-defense.. so we'll see how it goes for the next few weeks! I keep trying to tell him that it takes time to learn all of the steps along the way. Congrats to Hayden! It sounds like a huge accomplishment. Has he loved it from the beginning or did it take some time?
That's great Karen! Hayden did take awhile to get into it. He was in trouble a lot the first 9-12 months till he got the idea that he had to pay attention but his program is very strict.
Do they get to earn belts and such there? That really helps with the motivation.
Too funny he just wants to fight... Hayden got into that when he started sparring and his biggest complaint was "Mom, people are hitting me!"
I'm not sure about the belts. This sensei also has his own karate studio, aside from his work at the community center, so I assume we could move up there if B really enjoys it. We are just hoping to get through the next 3 weeks of this session to see how he feels. I really want it to work, as I know he can use the self-discipline and focus, but we also don't want to push him into it if he's just going through the motions.. know what I mean? He's got some strong opinions so I'm sure he won't be shy about telling us when it's done! :)
Sounds just like H's school...they do the same thing at the park district.
LOL Strong opinion... sounds like our boys would get along so well :)
Congrats Hayden! Pa and I are proud of you! This is a great sport and I know you can go far with it. You ALREADY Have! :)
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