if you notice a lag in posts for the next week or so it's only because we (I mean Tim) is in the process of moving over our files to our new member of the family :)
Let's hope it goes smoothly. We've already discovered a hidden "My Pictures" file that the 4 foot wonder must of copied back in 2006. So 4 entire years of photos have been in duplicate on the pc. No wonder it was running slow and had little space left. But a happy note there was a file that I thought he deleted in it. Not everything but most of it. Small favors. :-)
Didn't know he was already a 'computer genius" & was backing up files for you eh? Enjoy the new member of the family. Gotta play ref now...
I LOVE the set up the 2 monitors... thats really cool...have never seen that done before!
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