One of the main reasons we went to Indy Children's Museum was because back in Oct when we went to VA we were looking at things to do "along the way" and I happened upon the Museum site and lo and behold they had a Star Wars Clone Wars exhibit. No brainer... but in planning VA we found we didn't have time to stop. So we put it in the vacation idea folder for another time.
Hayden was thrilled and what amazed Tim and I was he could name every character, distinguish whose lightsaber was who's, and who wore what costume. He's way more obsessed that Tim I think :D
Here's our little Sith

The real movie prop... ObiWan's real ship from Attack of the Clones.

Hayden Christenson's real costume from Attack of the Clones

Obi Wan's lightsaber... Hayden knew who's saber was who's.

The man posing with his heros.

They had a drawing exhibit for the Clone wars set up to trace the characters. There were also hundreds of cartoon slides and drawings from the show displayed in the exhibit.

Tim, Duku, and the Sith in training.

It was nice but small. The whole thing only took up a corner but since Hayden enjoyed it, it was well worth it!
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