"Mom do you know that banner song?
I turn around with a questionable look on my face
"Banner song? What banner song?"
Hayden giving me the know it all look and replied,
"You know... the one where it hailed. duh"
A sudden realization comes over me.... "You mean the Star Spangled Banner???"
"Yeah that's the one!" he shouts."I sang the whole thing in music class today and I really like it."
I'm still sitting here laughing... also because I can hear him trying to sing it in the shower :)
LOL funny for the day.
:) LOL!!!!
that is soooo funny! I get those kinds of remarks all the time. Or when the kids try to teach me a 'new' song & I can already sing it with them they say "what you already know this one mom?"
Braly sings in the bathroom, usually just when we are in public bathrooms. Not sure why but that's what he does. I'm ok with it since its when he insists on going in the mens bathroom & I'm left waiting outside. As long as he's singing I know he's ok.
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