On a day we were thankful that our children are healthy, happy and well adjusted kids. (most of the time) That some of our family members were there to celebrate the day with us and were in good spirits, and that I did not ruin the turkey after a very rushed call to 1-800-BUTTERBALL :)
I can now say our prayers have been answered and that Tim will begin a new job on Monday. It came at a wonderful time when things were starting to look not so great and the job market was still being unkind. God, angels, Grandma & Grandpa, or Dad K kicked someone in the tush and told them what an amazing person Tim is and what a hard worker and they called right before Christmas to offer him a position. Praise be! Prayers do get answered in a way, if you ask enough and hard enough.
Through the past few months we have seen how we can live on a budget and can survive without and looking now it wasn't so bad. Maybe just maybe this was someones idea of a wake-up call. Thank you, we are eyes open now but please give us warning if you need to repeat this experience.
So I can say I am thankful for my husband, my children, my family, and the life we worked for.
Mom W.
Yay!!! Congratulations Tim & Traci! That is absolutely wonderful that Tim has a job again. Gabby & I have been reading The American Girls Books the Kit Kittredge Series which is about the depression. And let me tell you...what an eye opening experience it has been. I know we aren't in a 'Depression' but so many of the things people have had to deal with back then are going on now and I makes me want to be more thrify in the things I spend money on. Maybe look at how to extend the groceries & go without for some things so we can save for a rainy day. I don't know...it just really puts a different view in my head & makes me very thankful for all that I have.
I am over joyed that Tim found a job.
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