On NYE we celebrate with Jere, Sharon and the girls. We have for as long as I can remember now. We had more to celebrate since Jere learned that morning that he would have a job after 6 months of being laid off and we were waiting on news of Tim's job news. We brought out the hats and horns early since Jax would be sleeping at actual midnight, at least I hoped. So here is our little princess :)

The kids livin' it up!

Me and Sharon, after a pitcher of Sangria, hence the 'squinties' :D

Jax and Faithie hanging out.

The kids started playing Wii and once Jax was in bed the adults kicked them out and had our turn at Wii Resort and Deer Hunter. We really haven't laughed that much in a long time. It was fun to be carefree for the evening. :)

Jax and his Godmama.

Me and Tim at midnight... this was the 'nice' picture. LOL

Here's Sharon and Jere's 'naughty' picture...they really know how to celebrate the New Year

the kids all ready for midnight and bed. They had pretty much hit the wall at this point.

The next morning... don't know who was more tired. :D
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