Jax is officially six months old! I can not believe he's been here half a year already. I can't imagine life without him but can't believe he's been part of our family that long. Probably because he's been part of our family for a lot longer than that... "in the belly-wise"
He had his check up today at the pediatrician and all is well. He's hit the mark for all of his developmental milestones and most of his motor milestones.
He's weighing in at 17lbs. 5oz. and it 27 inches tall.
So 50% for weight and 75% for height. Growing just like he should.
He received 3 shots today... OUCH!

He did really well. Cried, of course, but calmed down pretty quickly and slept after that. You know the trauma and all. His legs are sore and a bit touchy but overall he's a happy camper.
We've been given the go-ahead for cereal and veggies...although he's been eating cereal for a month now. So tonight will be the veggie adventure. I can't wait to see what he likes. He's now on 2 meals a day which will make our schedule tighter in the mornings but the kid has gots to eat !!
The Six Month Bear Photo.
** And just for comparison, Hayden at six months was 19lbs. 5oz and 28.5 inches tall. Jax has finally caught up to Hayden's 11 week visit of 17lbs. 2oz. :) Such a difference... Hayden really did grow like a weed! **
Happy 1/2 Birthday to Jax! What a cute little man you have there.
oh so cute with his bear. I absolutely LOVE his smiles!
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