Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Hayden's first tooth came out today :-(

It's bittersweet. He's excited that the tooth fairy is coming but Mommie is sad he's growing up and now has a toothless smile.
I looked it up in his baby book and this was the very first tooth that came in when he was 6 months and 2 weeks old. I was surprised it is so small. This was Tim's little cowboy tooth pillow from when he was young. Nana hung onto it for Tim's first child. :-)
Here he is showing off his prize.
Now all he has to do is fall asleep so the tooth fairy CAN visit ;)


Anonymous said...

Sure hope his new teeth are strong
and straight! :) Tell the tooth fairy not to get caught! LOL


Jeannette P said...

Wow that was fast. Gabby's teeth have been loose for quite awhile & she still hasn't lost them. I can even see the other 2 coming in behind.

how sad & exciting. Cool that Nana saved the special pillow.

Karen said...

Aww, what a milestone! B didn't get any teeth until he was over a year so I think he'll be late losing too. We don't have ANY loose yet!