Monday, September 1, 2008

Oh boy . . .

Okay people was was prepared for kindergarten and Hayden going to the BIG school. No tears were shed as I walked away from the school for the first time leaving my eldest child in the hands of god know who. (okay that sentence makes me a little sad)

But that boy gets his first loose tooth and I lose it! {{{insert sobbing here}}}

I believe it was loose but last night he threw a temper and bit his shirt in anger and I think that really made it loose. He told me his tooth hurt and I went to inspect and it was a bit bloody but REALLY loose. I told him how exciting this was and in typical Hayden fashion he exclaimed.

"Put it back Mom! Let's go to the doctor so he can fix it!!"

That's our boy. :-)

I don't know if I'm ready for this part of growing up. The toothless grins, the worrying that he'll lose the tooth at night and swallow it, or the fact that the tooth fairy has to keep some cash in the house now "just in case" Thank goodness I had his portrait take 2 weeks ago for it maybe the last with all his baby teeth.
A whole new milestone that came out of the blue that I was unprepared for.


Anonymous said...

You too eh? I was hoping that Gabby wouldn't lose any of her teeth before the wedding & she didn't. Now I, like you, am savoring the baby teeth smiles that I love so much. But I can see 2 "momma teeth" as she calls them, coming in. It won't be long.

sniff, sniff....

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Ah tell him to buck up, be a man! Just kidding, how much did you leave him, was wondering what the going rate was now. I think I got a dollar or two!


Traci and Tim said...

tooth fairy has not come yet.. but he leaves gold dollars from what I've been told ;)