He's just moving and grovin` this month. He's gotten really really active. Climbing on stuff to reach things he not supposed to. Running with Hayden. Getting into everything.
Just when I think I have the family room/kitchen all baby proofed Jax finds something else to get into a new way ;)
He's really trying to talk. His big works are still, Mama, Dada, Hayden, banana and Lamp. But now when Tim comes home from work it's , " Hi Da!" It's so cute to hear. He's signing a lot too, maybe too much but I'm working with him on that.
He's still eating everything under the sun, although I think we finally found a food he's not fond of. Potatoes. Weird I know. He will eat a few bites then start to spit them out. I don't get it. He won't last long in this family not liking potatoes :) LOL He had his very first chicken nugget from McDonald's yesterday. LOVED it! But what kids dosen't ?
I can't wait to get him outdoors with the warmer weather that the weatherman keeps saying is, "just around the corner" ( Man I would love a job where I'm paid to only be right 50% of the time) He loves his swing and I can't wait to introduce him to the sandbox.
I have no clue how much he weighs or how tall he is this month. No doctor visit till the end of April. I'm thinking he will be big enough to turn his car seat around finally. :)
** edited to add I weighed him at Hayden's doctor apt for his finger and he's 23lbs 4oz, but that was with clothes on... **
Wow look at him grow like crazy. He's still such a cutie. Love when they learn to put a few words together. Bet Hi Da melts Tim's heart.
Think he is going to give Hayden a run for his money this summer! He is such an instigator and HAS to do whatever Hayden is doing... he will be fun...and Hayden is really good about letting him play too.
I am not so sure that between them they won't break Pa tho! LOL
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