It was wonderful having Scott and Autumn home for a visit. They were here for only 5 days but we had a lot of fun in those 5 days :) The last night they were here we had a big Shrimp Boil to celebrate them being here and Mother's Day all in one. Lots of food and lots of wine.... it was a great time!

Yes we ate 90% of that pile :D YUM YUM!

Scott had more fun playing with the boys. Wrestling, playing football, listening to Hayden explain one of his many Pokemon games, tickling Jax... you name it. He became a big kid with them. Makes me sad knowing how much fun he and the kids would have if we lived closer. It was also his first time meeting Jaxson and I have to give Tim and I credit... we make sure the boys see pictures of family and out of town friends so they know of the people that love them... Jax went right to Scott and Autumn because he sees their picture everyday in our home.

Our required family shot. I think it turned out nice. Thanks Jo for taking it!

Man have we aged in this picture!!!

This was the best... before they left Jax needed to go to bed so Scott wanted to read him a bedtime story. Jax just loved it and so did I.
1 comment:
Traci, that shrimp boil you had looks fabulous. I'm still drooling over my keyboard over those pictures. You are so talented in everything you do.
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