I am attempting to make baby food for Jax. I don't know why or what possessed me to try but I am. I don't even know how long I will keep this up. Fruits and Veggies are easy but the thought of whirring up meat makes me queasy. I never attempted when Hayden was a baby, despite my parents giving me the Cadillac of food processors. I guess I thought Gerber sold food in jars for a reason :)
Here is the process of making Apricots. I found a really great sale on them at the local grocer and I've read making them from dried is nasty so I tried fresh. Easy but peeling all those little fruits was time consuming.
Bake the apricots first.

Whir up in the processor and portion out in ice cube trays. Hayden even got in on the action. He loves to help me cook and is starting to get better (ie. less messy) at it :)

1 tray of food is equal to 5-6 jars of Stage 1 food. Apricots $1.20/lb vs 75 cents per jar.
Great Deal!!

The stash! Carrots, Sweet Potatoes, Green Beans, Apricots, Plums, Peaches...and Apples, Pears, and Peas are on their way tomorrow :)