Is he really going to be one in a few months? I can't believe it!
I tried to weigh him but he's so wiggly now it's hard... but
19lbs 2 oz. and he's 28 1/4 inches tall.
He's eating all the fruits and veggies I can think of and just this weekend started meat. As I said before I wimped out and bought the meat from Gerber. He's also started chunkier food like banana and we tried rice puffs the other day but he didn't really know what to do with it so we'll try again later.
Jax is starting to talk up a storm... lots of sounds and babbling. No real word(s) yet but we swear he can say Mom and Dada.
Jax has also mastered the roll and backward scoot. He's not crawling but he can get where he wants to go. :-) And just this week we noticed him getting up on his knees and starting to rock. I'd say he'll be crawling... just in time for vacation; great! Our little boy has started pulling himself up on things as well. My parents went to wake him up from his nap and found him standing in his crib. Yikes!
Jax and I started storytime at the library for something to do. It's at a really bad time right now but after Halloween it will be while Hayden is in school Finally something Jax and I can do together.
After months of promising we still have no teeth. There are defiantly 2 under the surface on the bottom front but nothing but white bumps still. Darn teeth!
Look for Halloween pictures coming next month of our little spider. :-)