Jaxson has turned 9 months old...on the down side to 1 year. Just after Christmas we will be in birthday mode for our boy celebrating his happy little life and everything that has happened in the past year.
We had a doctor visit this month. He weighs:
19lbs. 8oz and is 29 1/2 inches tall. 50% for weight and 95% for height.That totally explains why all his 6-9 month pants look like he's wearing capris :) But 12month pants just slide right down his hips.
The doctor said he is right on track. He passes objects from one had to another, his pincher grasp is much better than we thought, he's crawling but just hasn't found his forward gear yet :-) He rolls to where ever he wants to get. He can have table food now. Cheese, yogurt, ice cream, soft fruits and veggies and the all important Cheerios. :-)
He's also enjoying standing along things and starting to take steps along the couch. We still think he will walk before he crawls forward.
He's making all kinds of sounds... ma ma, mum mum, da da, and rah rah. We think the last one is from watching too much Chowder with Hayden. I'm still campaigning for ma ma first.
He's had all kinds of first this month. First vacation, first cracker, first pumpkin farm, first tooth :-) The other tooth is not far behind.
Lots more things to come, especially Halloween and Christmas.