13 months old... I don't know how much longer I will be taking the Bear photos but since I did this month I figured I might as well post it.
This month has been a good month for Jax. He's learning how to communicate better with us. He's consistently using 5 or so signs and saying about 5 words. (more, milk, please, cookie, bye-bye) and saying Mama, Dada, lamp, Nana, Den for Hayden. He's pointing at everything and wanting to know what everything is. He's also showing his frustration already. I thought tempers don't start till at least 15-18 months but Jax is ahead of the curve. He's picking up bad habits as well... hitting and biting. Our sweet little baby is showing his streak :)
One thing we can count on is Jax eating anything we put in front of him. He's tried so many new foods this month including, milk, kiwi, Lima beans, tomatoes, cantaloupe, french toast, fish, and meatloaf. There isn't a thing this kid won't eat :) We've also gotten rid of most of the bottles. He still gets a one before bed but that is more to relax him than anything. We're also in the process of weaning him off the bink. We made the mistake with Hayden and let him hang onto his... well that lasted till he was 3. Never again. As of right now the bink never leaves his bed. So far so good.
Jaxson has also sprouted 2 new teeth making it a total of 7, so far. I can see the 8th one working it's way in this month. His sleep has improved because of it. When those 2 teeth were coming in, he was up 1-3 times a night, again. But nothing as bad as his 9th month. :)
I didn't weigh him so this was just a general check in. He's learning and growing is such cute and wonderful ways.