Was a good time as always... even if I do run around like a mad woman for days before hand :)
Here is Traci and I... friends for over 20 years.

Jaxson with his Auntie Sabrina.

Greg helping out Jax open up his little surprise.

Uncle John and Aunt Amanda knew just what he likes... look closely at the shirt he's wearing :)

The famous new uniform. Hayden has wanted one of these uniforms forever but we wanted to make sure he was ready to continue. Grammy and Pa happily supplied his with his wish. Do you think he's excited?

Thanks Uncle Sam and Aunt T for their gift. Uncle Sam is the life size play thing... they rough house a lot.

Jax checking out his new toy.

GG and Hayden

Hayden and his home made Spiderman cake.

Jaxson and GG

Nana and the boys

Gram & Pa and the boys.

The family :)