We made a family trip to Six Flags Great America this summer. It was a beautiful day!!

Hayden was ready to rock n roll on some rides... at least until he went on the first roller coaster and said, "that's enough"

here's Dad and H ready to be spun.

Jaxson was VERY excited to ride on the train... have I mentioned his train obsession yet? :)

see VERY happy.

The rest of us just went along for the ride.

Another purpose was to visit cousin Breana, aka Wonder Woman!!! She looks so amazing as Wonder Woman. Like she was made for the role. Strong woman... not some fairy princess :D

Here we are as a family with the superhero.

Here she is with Aunt Sandy and Uncle John.... grown up a bit, I'd say :)

Daddy and Jax on the Big Red Car ride.

and Jax in pure joy when he got to hug Dorthy the Dinosaur from the Wiggles.

This is Captain Feathersword. He is a close friend of Wonder Woman's.. and he was told to look out for us so he could say a special hello to his friend Jaxson. :D He just LOVED it!!

Dad and Jax taking in a ride while Hayden and I were on the kid roller coaster.

The guys went on the log ride and Tim and Hayden ducked.... guess who was riding in the back and got wet? Yup! Dad :D LOL

Wonder Woman in the parade greeting her fans/family

This is the Dragon float that was designed just for Wonder Woman to "fight/slay" every night. It was amazing!!!

Hayden getting a kick out of seeing Scooby Doo

and Marvin the Martian.... one of Tim's favorites.

It was a
GREAT day but next time we need to spend at least 2-3 more hours there. We missed quite a few rides. Hopefully we will be able to get there during Fright Fest and hit the rides we missed.