Here are some of the portraits I took while in Texas of sweet little Miss O. She cooperated most of the time and slept the rest so we made due with what she gave us. :)

I think this is my favorite shot... sleeping and innocent. If her parents only knew I told her how to paint on the walls when she gets bigger, while I was there :P LOL

Precious baby feet.

And "the shot" It's the pose that all photographers are striving to get these days. It took us 2 hours to get there but we did. The light was off and Miss O was a bit squished so she was a bit pink/purple in the color shot but I think it looks just as fantastic in B&W.

This is the family :) My Godmother, my Uncle Rich, Kris, Justin, Miss O, Lauren and Shannon. I love them all so much and was happy I could try and take portraits while there. It was hotter than hades and Miss O didn't like being in the heat so these were quick snaps... between the yells.

I love this picture of them. Texas agrees with them and makes then happy.

The new family