Picture on the left was taken in 2005 and the picture on the right was taken this week. I think he's mere days away from being a teenager. * snif snif*
its a good thing Bill Gates retired... Hayden is going to be the next Computer Guru!
We wanted to create a place where family and friends can visit and take a peek at our little family and get current updates on the boys. Just like home we want a cozy place to visit and relax with our loved ones.
its a good thing Bill Gates retired... Hayden is going to be the next Computer Guru!
Love the diaper picture. How cute! And I have to ask, what is he playing? LOL Bradley loves his Mario Kart on our old Nintendo 64.
In the diaper pic he's playing on Noggin online and in the new pic he's playing Star Wars Leggo... addicted to it actually :)
Mario Kart is really fun!! :)
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