It was a beautiful day!!! 78 degrees and sunny. Perfect for our outing. Hayden played in the water for more than 2 hours before I had to cut him off because of the varying degrees of prune-y-ness (is that a word?) on his hands and feet. :)
Jax enjoyed himself too...hanging out under the umbrella and chewing on his favorite toy cow. This is where I noticed he was sitting on his own. Not leaning against my leg or the stroller....just sitting there chewing away. He sat completely by himself for a good 2-3 minutes. I was so proud! We think he's by-passing the whole rolling thing and will go right to walking :) He just has places to go.
After all that sitting he was tired out and slept on the blanket for an hour while Hayden ran stupid. Both the boys were wiped out from all the fresh air and sun and Mommie was nicely sunburned :)
Jax enjoyed himself too...hanging out under the umbrella and chewing on his favorite toy cow. This is where I noticed he was sitting on his own. Not leaning against my leg or the stroller....just sitting there chewing away. He sat completely by himself for a good 2-3 minutes. I was so proud! We think he's by-passing the whole rolling thing and will go right to walking :) He just has places to go.

That splash pad looks perfect and like soooo much fun! That's a place I wouldn't mind bringing the kids since it looks like there is a nice fence to keep them (mostly Braly) contained and no worries of drowning like at the beach. How fun & so cool!!! My kids would probably turn blue before they turned pruny. It's cooler here again today so no beach for us again.
Next year Jax will be right out there with his big brother! :)
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