Tuesday, June 10, 2008

a mistaken identity

While driving home yesterday Hayden starts shouting
" Palpatine! Palpatine!" ( the name of the emperor in Star Wars)

I couldn't figure out what he was talking about since we were in the car... then I see

"Palatine Road" sign.

I laugh quietly and explain the difference in the words and that he was very close; close but no bozo button!
Man my boy is just getting too darn smart for his own good.


Anonymous said...

totally loved this story. Ya know SW fan family to SW fan family. Maybe I shouldn't refer to them as fans but obsessed. haha I could see Braly saying something like that too. Very smart boy Hayden is, the words are very close. :D

Anonymous said...

Hayden's reading ability is almost scary for a 5 1/2 year old. No leaving out Santa's list this year! lol I see him going to a 1st grade reading class while in kindergarten... he really is advanced for his age!
