Thursday, September 17, 2009


So as Hayden was getting in the shower he asked me,
"Mom do you know that banner song?
I turn around with a questionable look on my face
"Banner song? What banner song?"
Hayden giving me the know it all look and replied,
"You know... the one where it hailed. duh"

A sudden realization comes over me.... "You mean the Star Spangled Banner???"

"Yeah that's the one!" he shouts."I sang the whole thing in music class today and I really like it."
I'm still sitting here laughing... also because I can hear him trying to sing it in the shower :)

LOL funny for the day.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Sorry again for the delay in posts. Life has handed us a bowl of lemons and we're doing our best to make a drinkable lemonade.

Tim was let go from his job of 10 years at the end of August. A huge blow to the whole family. But he's out there trying his best to find something new and exciting that will fulfill our family's needs. In the mean time he's on the computer surfing for jobs which means little screen time for me. Small price to pay if you ask me. :)
If he can't find something I guess it's my turn to get back out there. . . and Tim will have to carry on with the photos and blog....scary thought.
We're trying our best to keep life as usual for the kids, minus the special outings and meals out. Tuned up our bikes for family bike rides instead. :D

Please keep our family in you thoughts as we try to find our lemonade :)


Do not and I repeat do NOT feed your child spaghetti AND chocolate pudding in the same meal.

Lesson learned.

A New Milestone

We decided to try and start training the youngest in the ways of the bathroom. We're not fanatic about it yet, as he's only 19months old but he's showing "some" interest so we thought we would try. He thinks it's pretty cool thing and a neat place to store toys right now..
Here he is the first day. . . wonder what he was thinking?
Finally got him to sit on it...
Jaxson realizes we bought him this great new play toy :D

Pretty Pretty

Tim bought me these beautiful flowers for my birthday, or as I like to say,'"the 5th anniversary of my 28th birthday."
I just love flower photography... and my newest lens.

My Clone Troopers

I love how their noses are smashed inside the mask :D