Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Party in the USA

We have reverted back to 1970 past times this week.... bowling and roller skating.

Tim and I took the kids to the rink here in town that is still open and from what we saw tonight, doing very well. We've taken Hayden a few times since the beginning of the year and he LOVES it. Begs to stay well after our session has ended.

Tonight was Jaxson's first time since I found out they rent adjustable kids skates. He screamed when we put the skates on him but once he was upright and on his feet he loved it. He liked being pushed/pulled more than actually trying to skate but that was ok.
We didn't see much of Hayden since he had a few friends there. But he would stop by the table and get a drink once in awhile. :)Jax got tired after a couple times around and sat and had a snack with Daddy and watched everyone else skate.It really was a fun night and now that we know he likes it maybe we will try again sometime.

Bowling with the 'rents

We went to a great bowling alley on Monday with Grammy and Pa (or PaPa as Jax has been calling him) That is reserved for Mom and Tots in the mornings. $5/kid and Mom's bowl for free plus free fruit, yogurt for the kids and coffee for the parents. It was great!The kids had a blast but both of them LOVE bowling! Pa was getting worried when Jax was beating him but Pa picked up his game and beat us all.
Jaxson found the hand drier and thought his tongue could use some air :)
Afterwords we went to lunch and surprised Tim at work, with a lunch date out with the family. It turned into a really great morning.

Indoor Soccer

I know I haven't posted much about indoor soccer this year. There were a lot of issues this winter with soccer, needless to say Tim and I were not happy with the Park District or the team Hayden was put on, but tried to make the best of it anyway.
He was on the White Tigers. He did seem to have fun and enjoy himself. Towards the end he finally got in there and started being more aggressive with the ball and almost scored a few goals, when the coach let him play. Opps I'm regressing again. :) His friend from class was on the team so that was nice.
This past Sat was the last game and afterwords they had a pizza party and all received trophys and certificates. Hayden was very proud and we were proud of him for trying his best and sticking it out!(yes I know the picture looks funny, its been edited)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Growing UP

Hayden had his very first sleep over at our house on Friday with his friend Cody. It went great as far as I can tell. We ordered pizza to make the children's taste buds happy and then later made popcorn and watched a cute movie, Aliens in the Attic.
Here's a pic of the two of them, plus one. :)
The boys and their amass of blankets and pillows to watch the movie.
They both were really good. We only had to mediate a few arguments but I don't think either of their mouths stopped moving all evening. After letting them stay up late and have lights on late they finally passed out around 1030pm. Not too bad. And I didn't have to drive anyone home at 3am like I thought I might. :) In the morning there were waffles and more playing and trashing of the room, and video games before we returned Cody to his parents. :)

Our Artist

When Hayden was young I longed to have that child that loved to color and draw. Hayden was to 'busy' for such things. Jaxson is a different story. He loves to color and mostly draw. His favorite time to draw is while Hayden is doing his homework. I guess he likes to feel included. Other times are when we're not paying attention. Like Friday night he drew a wonderful shape on my kitchen cabinet with permanent marker and another time when he felt his little table was a bit boring and colored it blue and green. :) Thank the heaven above for Magic Erasers. :-)What really amazes us is at the age of 2year and 2 months he can draw a face.... well a good interpretation of a face. 2 eyes, a nose, a circle for the mouth. Ears somewhat on the sides of the face and lines for hair. Now Hayden was nearly in K before he would do that on command.

Not just for children

We have found our "fatius dorkis" (aka: our cat) sleeping in the kids bean bag more than once.

1) That means he has out grown his small dog bed to sleep in
2) He's hot now that it's a balmy 45° outside
or 3) He's just sleeping there to taunt Jaxson...

maybe all three :)

and we were able to snap this picture the other night. Steel hanging with Hayden. This is VERY rare! Hayden isn't a real animal person and from the day Hayden was brought into this house Steel has not been his biggest fan. I guess both of them are coming around.