Friday, May 30, 2008

That time of year

For smoke and crackling flames and gooey treats. It's been a long time since we've had a campfire and even longer since we've had dinner over an open fire. It's usually a tradition for us during the summer months to enjoy fires in the evening but last year we had a difficult time finding wood and with my morning sickness campfires just did not happen.
So over the holiday weekend we took advantage and enjoyed the weather and showed Jax his first campfire.
Tim and Hayden were in charge of cooking the hotdogs while I gathered up the rest of the dinner.
No campfire is complete without a gooey ending. Hayden's favorite treat. . . smores!!

Jaxson was able to enjoy part of a smore or at least lick one. :) He thought it was yummy and ended up with this cute little white ring around his mouth.

After dinner we worked it off on the play set. Jax enjoyed the swing while Hayden ran all over and worked off the 3 smores he ate.

It was a fantastic meal and a wonderful evening. Hopefully we'll be able to repeat the night again soon.


Jeannette P said...

Looks like a great time! And with one of your fav smells being a campfire, well I bet you had a blast sharing that with Jax for the 1st time and again with Hayden & Tim.

We finally had some nice weather yesterday & we ate dinner outside since the kids have been asking frequently when they could but its been too cold. And now its raining & windy today. Hope your weather is a little better than ours.

Anonymous said...

All those years of camping left a never ending love of campfires, smores and a wee bit of the outdoor life. Great memories to build now with your family. A great family tradition.

Mom W